Shopping Travel Tips in Big Cities

When we go to a tourist location in a major city in such country, usually a large city was designed in such a way become a shopping paradise for its residents as well as for tourists who come just for the sake of shopping, always tempted curiosity about the city.

How to prepare when we arrive there? Do not get confused because so many places to shop in the city. The following tips before shopping trips.

Choosing a place to stay. If our main goal at a tourist site is for shopping, then determine the location of lodging that we should not be too far to walk while carrying groceries. In addition we also do not want to get stuck in traffic jams, isn't it?

Make notes about what the typical souvenir in that city. Immediately make a small note, begins ranging from the smallest thing only. What will be purchased? For example search for various clothing women and men products with current models, then step forward into the shopping malls in the city using the City Guide. Or do you like the typical souvenirs such as antiques? Always available locations in the city.

Special notes on places of culinary. This is necessary because after the fatigue of shopping, we certainly want to unwind and want to find a place to eat the nearest shopping. After creating the record we will be more excited.

Prepare physically by eating beforehand. Why is this necessary? Of course with the physical that we are ready to be the spirit to reach the location of shopping tours. If a woman will not realize when she was walking away, while the stomach is empty, we would jostle and then among the visitors, with enough power we will remain tough in there.

Time to do shopping. Of course this is necessary we set, so we have a good preparation, for example in the morning. Check the manual or the City Guide or ask the Tour Guide. Arrival in the morning is very good, on the morning of visitors is still relatively quiet so we more flexibility to shop. But do not forget there are also a few shops providing a cheaper price at the time prior to closing.

Special events and an alternative site. Look for news about that city, such as whether the city was having a big sale events, such as an event in Singapore with "The Great Singapore Sale" or Jakarta with the "Jakarta Great Sale", isn't this will be very beneficial for us? Looking for an alternative shopping location is good, because there you will find goods with good quality but at competitive prices.

Group and friends. Shopping trips with friends or groups can also provide a special experience, because there are friends who can be consulted when they want to buy a souvenir or somehing funny. Shopping in a groups guaranteed to get a special price from the sellers. Haha...

Happy hunting!

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(Various sources /Image CC)


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