"Lumbung Temple" relocated to a safer place

Nature apparently not too friendly to a group of temples located about 300 meters south of Bubrah Temple, and still be inside the Prambanan Temple Tourism Park complex, Sengi Village, Magelang, Central Java.

Lumbung Temple is built in the 9th century at the time of Ancient Kingdom of Mataram, which is Buddhist temple background, has a main temple facing east surrounded by 16 other perwara temples (temple support), each 4 in each corner of the eye of the wind around the main temple.

Mount Merapi last erupted in October 2011 was to eat a lot of sacrifice and suffering for the people who lived in the surrounding mountain slopes, even hot lava spewed out has been completed, but the threat of mud cold lava entering the rainy season exhaust the environment around the temple.

The thousands years old temple is situated by the Tringsing river which is one of the main route of cold lava, become the avalanche threat. Ancient Remains Preservation Center (Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala - BP3) of Central Java finally on Friday, September 16, 2011 starting the relocation process, the cold lava flooded erode the riverbanks to less than one meter, very dangerous.

Relocation of the temple site to the place not too far from its place of origin, but secure from the possibility of follow-up cold lava floods, all activities carried out manually by involving 26 labor by moving stone temple one by one, a job that requires care and patience.

Certainly requires serious study so that each component of the relocated stone temple can return to form of originality, according to stages of the study, rock liftings, renting land, and conservation.

(Source BP3 /Images Wijanarko, Wisna)


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