The travelers village became Silent

The weather so cloudy drizzle interspersed when Hindus perform the ritual of Catur Brata Penyepian and welcoming The Caka New Year 1935, Tuesday, March 12, 2013.

Nyepi (Day of Silence) known to the various parts of the country. Stop all activity on the island, 334 of the flight schedule and destination Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, during the 24-hour stop completely.

This is done as a form of homage to perform Hindu Nyepi rituals, undergoing the Yoga/Brata Ritual, then Amati Karya (no activity / activities), Amati Geni (no fire or light, Including no electricity), Amati Lelungan (no traveling ), Amati Lelanguan (fasting and no Revelry / self-entertainment).

The whole tourism in Bali was closed for 24 hours during Nyepi day that starting from Tuesday at 06.00 local time. Some of the traditional village security officer or Pecalang seen swerving around Kuta Beach.

The tourists, both domestic and foreign, who have stayed in several hotels in Kuta was long ago before being informed that they stay in the hotel area.

There was no passing travelers around Jalan Legian. There was no surfer with surfboard on the beach, and of course there would be no music boom euphoria around Ground Zero on tonight.

Only the sound of the waves were chasing all day coloring favorite tourist destination on this island of the Gods, Bali.

(Source Antara, travelKompas, Sony Wisaksono /Image Sony Wisaksono - Bali)


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