Grand Hotel "De Kromme Raake", one room hotel - Part 2

After a traveling to One Room Hotel in Prague that located in a television tower, apparently the hotel with only one room facilities are also available in a small town Eenrum, Netherlands.

Grand Hotel "De Kromme Raake" is the smallest hotel in the world. Such the claims submitted by the hotel management

Of course we need to be convinced, isn’t it?

The hotel was originally a store, then converted into a hotel with only one room. Of course there are reasons why the owners want to build a one-room hotel with amenities.

Uniqueness and may be hard to find elsewhere.

When looking further, we can feel how the atmosphere in there. The art deco design feel of the hotel and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records when it opens in 1989 as the smallest hotel in the world.

What about the cost of lodging? Rates subject ranging from 150 euros.

Try it would be a special experience for a tourist. It might be you!

Continued to Part 3 ...

(Source NL Made Pertiwi - travelKompas /Image Grand Hotel "De Kromme Raake")


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