Ngurah Rai Airport Bali Close Until November 29th Tomorrow

The Bali airport is temporarily closed due to the eruption of Mount Agung

Passenger Lounge - Image Credit A Niaki

Mount Agung in the east of Bali island in the state of 'alert' is currently in the process of experiencing an eruption, resulting in an impact that took place at the airport in the city of Denpasar, Bali. As previously known about 443 flight schedules experienced a delay, thus making some tourists seem disappointed, but can understand the situation that happened.

Of course there are states of force majeure that make passengers protected by expanding the validity of the ticket, change the route of travel, to change the name.

Some airlines provide policies that help passengers, quoting KompasTravel, November 27, as stated by Garuda Indonesia airline Hengki Heriandono, "Passengers can extend ticket validity up to six months since force majeure, change route of travel - reroute, change name passenger and applies only one replacement only, or to perform a 'full refund' in accordance with applicable provisions."

There is no choice with the situation, especially the traveler, forced to delay the return flight plan from Bali today, because the closure of Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai still extended until tomorrow.

The management of the airport must take this decision due to volcanic ash Mount Agung is considered still dangerous, such as reviews in detikTravel, today, solely for the safety of passengers and flights that will take place thereafter.

I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali - Image Credit N Kdk R Riyanti

"Bali Airport will be closed until November 29, 2017 at 07.00 local time," said Arie Ahsanurrohim, Communication and Legal Section Head of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

The last situation from Mount Agung is the movement of volcanic ash which has reached 25,000 feet above the airspace of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, the direct impact felt on aircraft maneuvers that will land or fly over the airport can not run smoothly.

Passengers waiting at the airport soon get the best service, with free accommodation, food and beverage services from Bali's tourism authorities.

"As of today it has reached 443 flights as scheduled flight plan with a total of 59,539 passengers."

The airport is still waiting for the latest situation, anticipating all the possibilities and risks of the disaster due to mounting eruptions.

Source: M Irzal Adiakurnia - KompasTravel, Y Mulyono - detikTravel
Image: A Niaki, N Kdk R Riyanti


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