Can not be Spoken by Disneyland Employees

A rule for their employees is not to say, "I do not know"

Magic Kingdom, Disney - Image Credit E Widi

A walk to Disneyland might have been a dream for children everywhere, when the opportunity arrived, even for families facing a holiday. The choice to travel to Disneyland is something of a necessity for them, their immediate family and friends.

Who does not want to vacation to Disneland? Questions that may not need to be answered in these times. Of course!

Like good reviews on detikTravel, January 22nd, Disneyland is recognized by many, the most popular recreational park in the world and is in some countries. Even being the 'happiest place in the world', and you know if this confession keeps employees from saying a sentence, you know it can happen.

But. For them it is something to be avoided.

You know when it's true that the visitors are children, and it's common for them to ask staff who are partly wearing Disney character costumes to entertain the visitors.

Another quote from News Australia, despite the fact that the question asked by tourists is also sometimes quite strange, and Disneyland is serious enough to manage things like this.

"Hey, do not ever say 'I do not know' to the kids especially!"

You could say it's a simple thing, but all Disneyland employees are required to make everyone happy.

As later revealed by a former employee to Pop Sugar, said they should have answers to every question.

You can not say 'do not know!', If the question is silly, answer it with a silly answer too.

Maybe you want to know one example, for example there is a child asked what food is eaten by Tinker Bell little fairy. So they trained Disneyland employees replied, "The food is a very small apple."

The staffs are well trained, citing The Sun, so as to answer quickly, even the questioner did not get a chance to wait even an instant.

Of course all through intensive training, some employees already have a list of answers to questions.

That's one way from Disneyland in building the image of 'the happiest place in the world', Disneyland often provides free room upgrades in every of their resort or inn.

Perhaps, you have some difficult questions to answer, when traveling to Disneyland in the upcoming holidays.

Source: Shinta Angriyana - detikTravel, News Australia, Pop Sugar, The Sun
Image: E Widi


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